Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Thank you Elder Egan and for miracles!

-Post written by Elder Goddard's Mom

On July 30, 2019 we had our weekly video chat with Jordan from the Ghana MTC.  It is always our favorite day of the week!

He told us that he was in need of some locks for his suitcases.  He jokingly said that we needed to find someone that was going to be traveling to Benin.  In a perfect world he actually wanted them sooner to use at the MTC but we are not allowed to send packages directly there.  We were worried about getting the locks to him but just didn't know how that was going to happen.  

Well,  his Grandma Haslam suggested we go the next night to the airport.  You see, the next set of Elders would be flying out the following night to the Ghana MTC.  We know this because the MTC rotates the missionaries every three weeks.  Those that traveled with Jordan, that weren't learning a new language, would leave to the mission field, and the new Elders flying in would replace them.  So on July 31, 2019 at 6:34 pm we approached an Elder in the airport asking him if he happened to be flying out to the Ghana MTC.  He said yes!  I started to shake and I wanted to jump for joy!  Jared just kindly explained the situation and the Elder's family said "Sure!  He can do that!"  And the Elder agreed.  

They went on to ask about the food that Jordan has had in the MTC.  Obviously he was a bit nervous about the food. :)  So I told him a little about what he would be eating and showed him a few pictures.  Needless to say, I don't think I helped him much.  ;)  We thanked Elder Egan and gave him the locks with a note I wrote to Jordan.  Then we were off but not without a bit of emotion.  In reality I just wanted to give Elder Egan a huge hug and say "give this hug to my son please and tell him hi and let him know we love him!"  But I contained myself.  Haha!  It was surreal to think that he was going to be where Jordan was in just 24 hours time. Then of course walking through the airport watching all the families saying goodbye to their Elders gave me PTSD.  Haha!  It had only been 3 weeks since we said goodbye, so it was much too soon.  But I am so grateful to Elder Egan, my Heavenly Father, and the miracle that helped us get Jordan the locks he needed.  (Then of course I thought of a million other things I should have sent! haha!)  Jordan did receive the locks that Sunday night and he told us that it was the best surprise he has ever received.  <3


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 7:59 am MST

Bonjour tout le monde! (Hello everyone!)

This has been a much better week for me!  I'm definitely settled into this mission thing and I'm rarely feeling homesick now, which is really good.  The days also seem to go by a lot faster now which is really nice, because I'm just counting down the days that I can get out of here and go serve the people in Benin!

The rest of my stay here shouldn't be stale though because we got thrown a big curveball today.  They called us all in and switched companionships and rooms all around.  We weren't expecting that because they didn't do that with the last group of French-learning missionaries, but they're doing it to us.  Luckily, I got to keep my same companion!  So it's nice to not have to start over, but we did have to switch rooms and leave some fun roommates.  However, we're going to be getting French roommates on Thursday!  It'll be different and probably somewhat of a challenge but I'm sure that it will help our French so much and we'll be even more prepared for the mission field, so it's really a blessing.

This Sunday was my last Sunday in English for 2 years, and it was a good one.  Sunday last week was my most homesick day I've had so I was worried to have another one, but it was probably my best day here this week.  Every devotional or lesson we had just seemed to answer a question or concern that I had.  A devotional we watched from Elder Holland really gave me strength.  He just said that so many missionaries have done this thing before, and that 2 years will really feel short to you at the end of the day.  It's good to hear that because I stress out about thinking about 2 years sometimes, but that devotional really helped me.  I'm glad to have received an answer to my prayers.

I had an experience happen this week.  I almost always have a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast every morning, but one day I went to put the milk in and remembered that someone told me the day before that milk reduces the effect of our doxy (malaria pill), so I had just had a bowl of corn flakes without milk.  I got made fun of a little bit.  But that night, I got bit by a mosquito.  I hadn't even seen a mosquito the whole time I'd been here, but I got bit somehow.  Who knows what would have happened if I got bit and my doxy didn't work as well because I drank milk that morning.  I believe that Heavenly Father put that thought in my mind to keep me safe.  It was pretty cool.

Well this next week should be fun so I should have a lot to write about next week.  We go out into the city tomorrow to go proselyting, so that will be amazing!  Thanks for all the prayers this week, they have been felt for sure.  I love you all and I hope that you all have a great week!

Elder Goddard

Elder and Sister Martinez with other MTC staff after the Area Devotional held on July 23, 2019.
Jordan is in the middle section 2nd row from the back in a red tie. :)

Jordan's first district in the MTC before changes made on July 28, 2019

His French speaking native Elder's he had to say goodbye to in the MTC today. (July 30, 2019)
Their 3 weeks were up and Jordan has 3 more weeks to go.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Happy 24!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 9:21 am MST

Happy 24th of July!  I'm celebrating with you all out here in Africa

This week has been harder for me.  The French I'm learning in class is stuff I've already learned at home, so class gets boring.  And when class is all that we do all day, the days become pretty long and boring and all blend together.  Because it's boring I have time to think and my mind always wanders back to home.  I've had some struggles with homesickness this week, for sure.  It's been harder than last week but I've made it through another week in the MTC and another week closer to being in the field and serving the people!  That's what I'm most excited about, and I always try to look forward to that.

Nothing too exciting happened this week outside of class.  I had to give a lesson on Sunday, and it actually went very good.  Everyone contributes so much to the lesson and it helps invite the Spirit, it was really nice to be a part of.  I also gave a blessing for the first time.  My companion was having a hard time and was thinking about going home, and he asked me for a blessing.  It was a really cool experience, I felt the Spirit very strongly while I was giving it.  I'm grateful for the experiences that I've been able to have while in my short stay here.

Even if this week's been hard, I still know the Lord is looking out for me.  I always find scriptures or hymns that lift.  I finished the Book of Mormon this week and that was really good.  Ether 12 hit me really hard.  It has some great scriptures about faith and about charity.  I invite you all to read it this week and see what you can learn from it and apply to your life!  It's really made a difference in my life this week.

I love you all and I hope you have a great holiday today and great week after that!  That's [thanks] for all your prayers, I feel them take effect in my life every day.
Thank you all

Hark, All Ye Nations Verse 3:
Chosen by God to serve him below
To ev'ry land and people we'll go
Standing for truth with fervent accord,
Teaching his holy word

Until next week,
Elder Goddard

Fried fish

His native Elder buddies

Ghana Temple with his district

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Week One!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:42 am MST

Bonjours mes amis! (hello my friends!)

Wow what a week it's been here in Ghana.  It's hard for me to write an email now because I've been here for a whole week and I have so much to talk about!

The flights here were pretty bad honestly.  I didn't sleep like at all on the flight to Amsterdam and then the flight to Ghana was 6 hours of sitting in the middle seat.  It felt like it took ages.  But we got here and that's what matters.  You could feel the humidity straight off the plane, it was awful, but I actually don't notice it anymore a week later, so that's good.  The brothers who picked us up were so funny.  And they drive insane!  There's no lights here, only round-a-bouts, but they seemed to just go wherever they wanted to.  They were constantly cutting people off, it was kinda scary but mostly just funny haha.

At the MTC there's probably 120 missionaries, and like 30 are American. The other 90 are African.  And in that there's probably 60 that speak English and 30 that speak French.  I love the African Elders.  They're all so nice and fun to talk to.  They love soccer, I've already found a Liverpool fan and we're buddies now.  They're way good at soccer too, probably half the MTC plays soccer during sports time and it's so fun.  The African missionaries also know their scriptures like crazy, especially the Bible.  They whip out scriptures like it's nothing, I've been impressed.  Their testimonies are way strong.  It's hard to understand them sometimes though, people are right when they say it's like learning another language.

I'm in an apartment with 3 other American Elders, and they're all way cool.  I already know they're going to be friends for life.  There's 2 from Utah and 1 from Tennessee.  The Tennessee one is going to my mission, so that's cool.  My companion is Elder Hougaard from Logan and he's going to Cote D'Ivoire.  Our apartments are really nice actually, just small.  It just feels like a hotel room right now.  It's weird to just be here and have no ties to my old life until P day.  It's like I just woke up and was living a new life with new people.  It's such a weird feeling haha.

Learning French is kind of boring right now.  It's mostly stuff that I already learned in school.  I have learned to pray and bear my testimony, and I've given a lesson in French!  The coolest part about learning the language though is that I have native French speakers living among me that I can practice with!  It's way cool and rewarding to be able to share the French that I've learned with them and show that it can actually mean something to people.

I was a little homesick for the first couple of days, but I've turned the corner and I've been doing really good now.  It just took some time to adjust.  I'm actually starting to enjoy the food now.  Every meal is half a plate of rice, so that gets kind of boring, but it's the weird stuff that's fun to try.  There's bowls of mush for breakfast and different lunch you eat with your hands and don't chew, only swallow.  They like spicy food too, and I'm starting to get used to it.  I also ate a fried fish.  Like it looked like they took a whole fish and threw it in a fryer.  It looks way gross but it was actually really good.  I'll get a picture of it next time.

There was a lesson I really liked this week on Sunday.  It was a lesson about prayer.  We talked about Enoch and his wrestle with God.  We talked about how we need to be praying for other people in addition to ourselves.  That really hit me because before that I was only praying for myself and trying to adjust to this change in my life.  Since I've been doing that I've been a lot happier and I've been able to adjust better too!  I encourage you all to try to incorporate that into your prayers this week and see how much happier it will make you!

Have a good week everyone!  Et par le pouvoir du Saint-Esprit, vous pouvez connaitre la verite de toutes choses  (And by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can know the truth of all things)

Elder Goddard

The "mush"

His companion and roommates

Ghana Temple

P day

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:11 am MST

Hey guys, I found out last night that my P day got switched today!  Make sure everyone who can stays home so I can talk to you guys!  I'll try to call around 12 here which should be 6 at home.  I love you guys and I can't wait to talk to you!

Friday, July 12, 2019


Friday, July 12, 2019 2:43 am MST

Hi everyone!  I don't have much time but I'm here in Ghana!  It was a long 15 hours of flights but I'm finally here.  I was on a flight with like 30 other elders, it was insane.  This isn't my P day,  I just get a chance right now to tell everyone that I'm here.  I don't think my P day is until Thursday so I can't reply until then, but for now I'm doing well and having fun out here in Africa.  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

Love you all,
Elder Goddard


Friday, July 12, 2019 2:40 am MST

Hi!  I finally have a chance to email you.  I'm supposed to just use this to decide how we're going to talk on P day, so let's just use google hangouts.  I had like 30 other elders on my flight and they are all great and fun to hang out with.  When I got through security and saw them sitting there, I got a lot less nervous about the whole mission thing.  We haven't done any classes or anything yet, we got to the MTC at like 9 last night and then just ate, got our companions, and went to bed.  It's going well though, I'm feeling good and having a good time.  It's still weird to think I'll be here for 2 years without you guys and I miss you, but I'm doing okay.  I hope you guys are too.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Safe and Happy in Ghana

Thursday. July 11, 2019  5:46 pm MST

Greetings from Accra, Ghana!
We are pleased to report that your missionaries arrived safely tonight at the Ghana MTC.  They look tired but happy (pictures attached).  We're delighted to welcome them.  We love them already!
They join a group of 160 missionaries from 25 countries for this 3-week cycle.  We have missionaries from homes in Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Samoa, Argentine, the Marshall Islands, countries all over Africa, and other locations.  The work grows across the world.
We'll ask them to email you tomorrow (in about 12-14 hours) to let you know more about their trip.  This is a remarkable place to serve!  The church is growing rapidly with people who are faithful, strong, and committed.  It is a special time and the Lord's hand is over this area.
Thank you for your support and love.  These good young disciples are in the care of our Living Lord.  This we know. 
President and Sister Allen
Ghana MTC


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The hardest goodbye we have ever had to do

Two years in 3 suitcases

Jamie had to make light of the situation :)
Checking in

Yep they were over the weight limit ;)

The last family photo for 2 years

And then he was gone...

The saddest face ever :(

Our final hurrah!

We had a great experience doing baptisms for the dead at the Jordan River Temple before Jordan headed to the airport.  Jordan baptized and confirmed all of us.  What a special and sacred experience  we were able to have together.  I am grateful for the blessing of the Temple and that we could share this special memory together for our last time for 2 years.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Officially Elder Goddard

Jordan was set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He was given an amazing blessing from our Heavenly Father through our wonderful Stake President Hutchison.  We will never forget the many blessings Jordan was promised if he is obedient and chooses the right. What an amazing experience we got to share as a family.

The official placing of the sticker on the map

Jacob was his companion for the 24 hours he was home with us before leaving.  Haha!